Extortion I Exist SXWZD Tour - Part 2

After Newie we got a few days off in Canberra, then it was off to Byron Bay.
Show was okay, not great, not horrible. White room, brighter photos than usual, less shadows, rim lights running a little bit too hot.

SXWZD cowboy hat and aviators.

Sam sang for I Exist at this show, this is the second time they've done this. It's different to the regular I Exist experience, but I really enjoyed photographing him singing, it's been a while since Slowburn.

Extortion Success! Captured several photos with Rohan's face. I should probably try for more photos of the other members now.

430ex out in front of stage right, 430ex stage left middle, vivitar 383 back stage right.

Bit of a jam on the acouy afterward outside the venue.

The Brisbane show was with Marathon at Snitch, I thought it was great, especially for a night club show, I only took photos of the guys hanging out.

Marathon Promos

I did some promo shots for Marathon quite a while back when I was in Brisbane with I Exist on the Shai Hulud tour. I met the guys previously when I Exist went to Queensland and subsequently have seen them play a bunch of shows around the place. They have a new EP 'Never Safe' out through Arrest Records, and are doing an east coast tour very soon.

This is them under a bridge. 430ex in a shoot through umbrella front camera right, and bare 430ex back camera left.

This is them under a bridge with a train behind them.

This is them in front of a house.

Individuals under the same bridge facing the opposite direction.

I Exist - Tour blog 4

All ages show at Shed 5 on the Gold Coast, most of this gig was in black and white.
Last time I was at this venue I Exist played on the floor, as the stage here is quite tall, especially for hardcore gigs. This time however the venue wasn't keen on this, despite all of the bands wanting to. Last time here the gig was great, so many kids were there to see I Exist, this time however it was obviously a Shai Hulud crowd, with all of the supports not getting much of a crowd reaction.
Show lit with a 430ex bounced into the roof on stage, front stage left side, and a 430ex stage right backlight.

I Exist

Ghost Town

Shinto Katana

Shai Hulud

Some photos of various touros outside the venue.

 I don't know who took the following photos, probably some combination of Jake, Jarred, Ollie and Aaron.