I Exist are releasing their debut album 'I: A turn for the worse' through Common Bond Records/Stomp on the 7th of May. They have a new song up 'One thousand hooves' on their myspace.
I took a new promo photo for them, their first one with new guitar player Josh. Josh plays guitar in Pod People and used to be in Blood Duster. 430ex in shoot through umbrella camera right, 430ex bare camera left behind band, 430ex directly behind band pointing at the wall behind,
The songs on this album are so much heavier and doomier than anything they have previously done. The band is mostly know amongst the hardcore scene, but I think this will really open them up to a more metal fanbase, for people who enjoy Eyehategod, Down and Sleep
This is the album cover, artwork by Glen 'Glenno' Smith, the internal artwork looks amazing also.
The band will be on tour with Shai Hulud in May