I Exist Queensland Day 2

Benny was up in Queensland on holidays while we were there. I don't think I'll ever get tired of taking photos of him, such a colourful guy. He used plays drums in Hard Luck, Pressures on and now Observer

He got his head tattooed that weekend, but wasn't really keen on me taking photos of it.

I Exist and Phantoms went to Wet N' Wild, here's the obligatory crew photo.
A large version of this photo is available here.
During the day both bands talked of doing a water slide themed split 7", I hope this happens.
These are two photos from the automated camera they have on Mammoth falls, this was the best ride of the day.

The show that day was at Shed 5 on the Gold Coast, basically a storage unit/warehouse that has been converted into a bar and venue, the stage is bit high for a venue of this size, so the bands opted to play on the floor instead. After getting dinner from a vegan restaurant, that we were told was "just down the road from the venue" but turned out to be a 20 minute drive away, we came back just in time for Phantoms to play. 430ex stage right back light, 430ex stage left a few meters in front of the stage area.

Marathon are from Brisbane, I hadn't really heard them before this show, I really liked them, they sound a bit like Converge. I ended up seeing these guys play a few times over the next week and hung out with them a fair bit between shows. They came to Canberra the next week and then played Melbourne while I was there the following weekend.

Apparently when I Exist played Jake fell over in his footy shorts revealing his 'spam javelin', although Aaron was the only one who witnessed this.

Aaron having an out of body experience.